Articles Tagged with prior convictions

pexels-cottonbro-4100655-300x200While domestic violence is an epidemic in our society, it’s rarely as simple as someone simply losing their temper. There are almost always underlying causes for violence, and those causes may not be immediately apparent. That’s why, if you’ve recently been arrested or charged with domestic violence, you’re very possibly feeling a strong combination of guilt and confusion. You may be saying to yourself, “How did this happen? How did I get here? Why did I do that?” If you are, know that this is a very common response—and it can feel this way whether it’s your first DV arrest or if you have prior convictions.

Unless your partner falsely accused you, chances are you know something went terribly wrong to put you in this situation but putting your finger on why can be very elusive. So, let’s take a moment to delve into some of the root causes of domestic violence to gain perspective. As we do this, let’s emphasize that this exploration isn’t about justifying your actions but gaining insight into the dynamics of control, the factors contributing to feelings of losing control, and pathways to seek help and initiate positive change.

Understanding the Dynamics of Control

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